Free Electron
This is the complete list of members for HydraDelegate, including all inherited members.
AddBasisCurves(SdfPath const &id, GfMatrix4f const &transform, VtVec3rArray const &points, VtIntArray const &curveVertexCounts, VtVec3rArray const &normals, TfToken const &basis, VtValue const &color, HdInterpolation colorInterpolation, VtValue const &width, HdInterpolation widthInterpolation, SdfPath const &instancerId=SdfPath()) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddCamera(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddInstancer(SdfPath const &id, SdfPath const &parentId=SdfPath(), GfMatrix4f const &rootTransform=GfMatrix4f(1)) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddLight(SdfPath const &id, GlfSimpleLight const &light) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddMaterialResource(SdfPath const &id, VtValue materialResource) | HydraDelegate | |
AddMesh(SdfPath const &id, GfMatrix4f const &transform, VtVec3rArray const &points, VtIntArray const &numVerts, VtIntArray const &verts, VtVec3rArray const &normals, PxOsdSubdivTags const &subdivTags, VtValue const &uv, HdInterpolation uvInterpolation, VtValue const &color, HdInterpolation colorInterpolation, bool guide=false, SdfPath const &instancerId=SdfPath(), TfToken const &scheme=PxOsdOpenSubdivTokens->catmullClark, TfToken const &orientation=HdTokens->rightHanded, bool doubleSided=false) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddPoints(SdfPath const &id, GfMatrix4f const &transform, VtVec3rArray const &points, VtVec3rArray const &normals, VtValue const &color, HdInterpolation colorInterpolation, VtValue const &width, HdInterpolation widthInterpolation, SdfPath const &instancerId=SdfPath()) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddRenderSetupTask(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddRenderTask(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddSelectionTask(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddShadowTask(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddSimpleLightTask(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AddTexture(SdfPath const &id, GlfTextureRefPtr const &texture) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
AdjustRenderSetupTask(SdfPath const &id, BWORD a_lighting, const GfVec4f &viewport) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
BindMaterial(SdfPath const &rprimId, SdfPath const &materialId) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
BindSurfaceShader(SdfPath const &rprimId, SdfPath const &shaderId) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | inline |
Clear(void) | HydraDelegate | |
Get(SdfPath const &id, TfToken const &key) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetBasisCurvesTopology(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetCameraParamValue(SdfPath const &cameraId, TfToken const ¶mName) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetDisplayStyle(SdfPath const &id) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetDoubleSided(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetExtent(SdfPath const &id) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetExtents(void) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
GetInstanceIndices(SdfPath const &instancerId, SdfPath const &prototypeId) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetInstancerTransform(SdfPath const &instancerId) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetMaterialId(SdfPath const &rprimId) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetMaterialResource(SdfPath const &materialId) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetMeshTopology(SdfPath const &id) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetPrimVarComponents(SdfPath const &id, TfToken const &key) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetPrimVarConstantNames(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetPrimVarDataType(SdfPath const &id, TfToken const &key) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetPrimVarFacevaryingNames(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetPrimVarInstanceNames(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetPrimVarUniformNames(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetPrimVarVaryingNames(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetPrimVarVertexNames(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetRenderTasks(void) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
GetReprSelector(SdfPath const &id) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetSubdivTags(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetTaskParam(SdfPath const &id, TfToken const &name) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
GetTransform(SdfPath const &id) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
GetVisible(SdfPath const &id) override (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
HasLight(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
HideRprim(SdfPath const &id) | HydraDelegate | |
HydraDelegate(HdRenderIndex *parentIndex, SdfPath const &delegateID) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
IsInCollection(SdfPath const &id, TfToken const &collectionName) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | virtual |
m_cameraId (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_curves (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_hasInstancePrimVars (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_hiddenRprims (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_instancers (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_materialBindings (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_materials (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_meshes (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_points (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_refineLevel (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_refineLevels (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_runShadows (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_surfaceShaderBindings (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_textures (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
m_valueCacheMap (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
MarkRprimDirty(SdfPath path, HdChangeTracker::RprimDirtyBits flag) | HydraDelegate | |
RebindMaterial(SdfPath const &rprimId, SdfPath const &materialId) | HydraDelegate | |
Remove(SdfPath const &id) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
SdfPathMap typedef (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
SetCamera(GfMatrix4d const &viewMatrix, GfMatrix4d const &projMatrix) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
SetCamera(SdfPath const &id, GfMatrix4d const &viewMatrix, GfMatrix4d const &projMatrix) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
SetInstancerProperties(SdfPath const &id, VtIntArray const &prototypeIndex, VtVec3rArray const &scale, VtVec4fArray const &rotate, VtVec3rArray const &translate) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
SetLight(SdfPath const &id, TfToken const &key, VtValue value) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
SetRefineLevel(int level) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
SetRefineLevel(SdfPath const &id, int refineLevel) | HydraDelegate | |
SetReprSelector(SdfPath const &id, HdReprSelector const &reprSelector) | HydraDelegate | |
SetTaskParam(SdfPath const &id, TfToken const &name, VtValue val) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
SetTransform(SdfPath const &id, GfMatrix4f const &transform) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
SetUseInstancePrimVars(bool v) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | inline |
UnhideRprim(SdfPath const &id) | HydraDelegate | |
UpdateCamera(SdfPath const &id, TfToken const &key, VtValue value) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
UpdateInstancerPrimVars(float time) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
UpdateInstancerPrototypes(float time) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
UpdateMaterialResource(SdfPath const &materialId, VtValue materialResource) | HydraDelegate | |
UpdatePositions(SdfPath const &id, float time) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
UpdateRprims(float time) (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | |
ValueCache typedef (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |
ValueCacheMap typedef (defined in HydraDelegate) | HydraDelegate | private |