Free Electron
Importing State with YAML

Loading YAML into a Catalog

You set a load state into an fe::Catalog from YAML files. This fe::Catalog can simply be an fe::StateCatalog, or the state can be loaded into any fe::Catalog and then overlayed onto an existing Catalog or StateCatalog.

sp<CatalogReaderI> spCatalogReader=spRegistry->create("CatalogReaderI.*.*.yaml");
sp<Catalog> spImportedCatalog=spMaster->createCatalog("yaml import");
for(I32 arg=1;arg<argc;arg++)

In this example, a Catalog used for the loading is created on the spot. The Catalog is created through the fe::Master, which leaves a reference there so that the isolated loaded state could be examined later by some other code.

The spCatalogReader will be an fe::ext::CatalogReaderYaml or a suitable substitute.

This simple example naively treats every argument the executable was run with as a yaml filename. A real application should presumably use more discretion.

In this case, as each file is loaded, it is added to the same Catalog. The load method does not clear the target Catalog when it starts.

The load method does not lock the Catalog it is given, but the overlayState method does lock the StateCatalog it was run on. So even after the StateCatalog has started, additional state could be overlayed from a loaded Catalog in the middle of active communications.

Writing a State YAML File

The files used to provide state data are standard YAML format files. The layout of these files consists of a particular syntax conforming to the genereralized YAML rules.

YAML Block: import

As with C or C++, you can insert text from another file using an import. The simplest form is just one line.

- import: "config/more_state.yaml"

Instead, of a single string filename, a list of filenames can be provided.

- import:
- "config/my_connection.yaml"
- "config/my_stage.yaml"
- "config/my_prop.yaml"

If an imported file has substitution variables, you can add a sub block with name/value pairs to substitute in those variables when parsing the imported file.

- import:
COLOR: "red"
files: "config/my_prop.yaml"

To draw variables from the imported file into the current file, the adopt_variables flags can be used. Any variable set in the imported file are added to the variables in the local file, just as though this was a variables block.

- import:
adopt_variables: true
PROP_ID: "3"
files: "config/my_prop.yaml"

YAML Block: variables

The state files can have substitution variables that replace text of the form $VARIABLE or ${VARIABLE}. You should use the brackets if the token is not delimited by whitespace.

- variables:
COLOR: "black"

If a file is imported by another file, the import block can provide overriding values for variable. In that case, the values in the imported file are essentially default values.

YAML Block: state

A state block provides values as name/value pairs. These pairs become catalog entries.

- state:
instance[$PROP_ID].color: ${COLOR}
instance[$PROP_ID].mass: 1000.0

YAML Raw State

Unconditional state doesn't have to be provided in state block. Top level YAML nodes with the dash prefix are interpreted as simple name-value pairs.

The prior example could have omitted the encapsulating state block.

instance[$PROP_ID].color: ${COLOR}
instance[$PROP_ID].mass: 1000.0

YAML Conditional: only

Any of the aformentioned blocks can have a conditional block to determined whether that block affects the resulting state.

Conditional state does need to be in a state block.

- import:
COLOR: "red"
files: "config/my_prop.yaml"

In this case, the import for a red prop with an id of 7 is only imported if there are more than seven props in the scene (where the prop ids started with zero).

If there are are multiple conditions on the list, they must all be true for the block to take effect.

A variable check can use the ==, !=, <, <=, >=, or > operator.

The only conditional currently supported is variables.

YAML State Properties

Normally, state is only given for the the default "value" property of each key name. If you wish to set any other property, or a list of properties, then all property names must be explicitly given, using a list of property/value pairs.

value: 1000.0
units: "kg"

YAML State Types

In most cases, simple types can be auto-detected. If an explicit type specification is need, use a YAML tag.

stage.coordinates: !vector3d [36.241812, -123.010203, 600.090807] [-72.0, 16.0, 0.0]

In this case, the location use the default single precision of vector3f, but the map coordinates of the stage origin needs double precision.

At a minimum, the available types are:

When specifiying scalar numbers, remember that 3 is an integer and 3.0 is a float. If you don't want to use !float tags, make sure to have a decimal on every float. Any apparent lenience may change in the future.